Professional treatments
For your face and body

Non-invasive Skincare
Essence of Beauty
Before and After
Few examples of results
To see more follow me on Instagram

About Me
I’m esthetician with more than 5 years of work experience.
I use only non-invasive techniques with minimum of contraindications including unique rejuvenation method that names Split-massage.
I offer more than 30 treatments for face and body:
• facial lifting massages;
• body relax and anti-cellulite massages;
• chemical peels;
• ultrasonic therapy and deep cleansing;
• pressotherapy;
• oxygen therapy;
• carboxy therapy;
• microneedling;
• cosmetic flash treatments and etc.

Follow me on Instagram
I'm really happy! Thank you for your hard work. I'm finally feeling good without wearing makeup again. Got compliments other day!
Thank you Natalja! I was very pleased with how my skin looked before and after Hyaluronic tratment. Will difinitely do it again. Also, thank you for advice and all home care products. Very pleased and skin looks awesome!
I absolutely love my home aftercare kit. At the minute my favourite is Purles total cleansing cotton foam. It's my 3d bottle, and it's amazing value for money, it last very long and my skin feels so nice, soft, smooth and cleansed after using this product. It doesn't make my skin feel tight, it is exactly what I was looking for for very long time, and it'ds perfect